Authors: (CIHEAM Bari – Andi Mehmeti, Generosa Jenny Calabrese, Mladen Todorovic) African agriculture and food systems are constantly under pressure due to a set of inter-connected factors including an underdeveloped agricultural sector, intensification of adverse climatic events, limited quality and availability of resources (land and water), population growth, and lack of funding and use of new technologies. The consequences of …
D1.4. Smart farming and monitoring technology overview
This deliverable presents a database of recent research activities, technologies, businesses and scientific projects concerning the agricultural sector in Europe and the western world as well as initiatives working with African smallholder farmers. In addition, an evaluation of the database entries is included in this report, which also addresses the relevance of the respective development for smallholder structures in West …
D1.3. Farming practices overview
This deliverable presents an overview and information on agroecological farming practices (AEP) and the effects on productivity, farm economic and ecosystem service indicators. A systematic literature was conducted to collect and retrieve the respective information. The report presents the results of various single agroecological practices such as diversified crop rotations and combined agroecological practices such as conservation agriculture and organic …
D1.1. – Survey and assessment toolbox for data collection
In this document, we intend to present the key achievements in the progress of developing a common conceptual methodological model for data collection at baseline for a plural assessment of the farming systems in Africa and select appropriate data collection tools to integrate a toolbox in the scope of SustInAfrica.
Measuring mango and pineapple fields in Tamale and Cape Coast
A report for measurement series in Ghana. Participants: The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), DexAfrica (DEX), University for Development Studies (UDS), University of Cape Coast (UCC). Authors: Marius Hobart and Eugene Anin-Adjei In March 2022, a scientific exchange between Ghanaian and German partners took place in the project Sustainable intensification for Northern and Western Africa (SustInAfrica). This …
European-African collaboration to tackle challenges of African food systems
Under the lead of two Finnish research institutes, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, three new EU-funded projects have started to develop and implement solutions addressing the challenges African food systems are facing. The strong African-European collaboration aims to transform African food systems towards sustainable food production and enhance consumption of nutritious food. Global …